You are valuable. Don’t take yourself for granted. We all do this- we know how to do something and instantly forget that not everyone else knows the same thing. It might seem like a simple thing to you, but to someone who's not you, they don't know it the way you do. Seems obvious but I see this so often with absolutely everyone in my life and with myself as well. Time and again I have seen friends, family and colleagues undercut their own value. Thing is, we all do things differently, and someone needs to hear from YOU. It might not be about one particular thing you know, but rather a compilation of things, and it is the way you weave that knowledge together that is uniquely your own. I have so many examples of this, a few of which you can read below, and maybe one will resonate with you. The point is- make note of your value; add to it and refer to it often. However you want to capture this, even if it is just a note on your phone, do it. Here are a couple m...