Your Value
You are valuable. Don’t take yourself for granted. We all do this- we know how to do something and instantly forget that not everyone else knows the same thing. It might seem like a simple thing to you, but to someone who's not you, they don't know it the way you do. Seems obvious but I see this so often with absolutely everyone in my life and with myself as well.
Time and again I have seen friends, family and colleagues undercut their own value. Thing is, we all do things differently, and someone needs to hear from YOU. It might not be about one particular thing you know, but rather a compilation of things, and it is the way you weave that knowledge together that is uniquely your own. I have so many examples of this, a few of which you can read below, and maybe one will resonate with you.
The point is- make note of your value; add to it and refer to it often. However you want to capture this, even if it is just a note on your phone, do it.
Here are a couple moments you can capture:
- When you receive a compliment (one which you agree with).
- When you feel good after an interaction; pause for a moment to reflect on why, and then write down an action you took that made that engagement feel good.
- When it feels safe to be vulnerable with someone, then just ask them! Ask what is something they value about you.
In the coming weeks I will be coming out with more tips on harnessing your value as I gear up to launch my first online course focused on (gasp!) self promotion. At the end of the course you will have a brand new resume to use in leveling up your current position, or finding your next position.
Why resumes? Well, my core focus is Operationalizing YOUR Business, and if that is your day to day job, let’s start there. This course is a map outlining a streamlined process for resume building, so you can get back to being your best you.
Remember to stay tuned every Tuesday at two (Pacific) for new posts, or subscribe to get a notice in your inbox!
As promised, few head-scratching examples of times I’ve seen people (myself included) take themselves for granted, when they need to be looking at and recognizing value.
- My sister once expressed to me her shock at a close friend recently making a financial shift, one which she thought was elemental, and that every young person starting out in the world does. I only said that I hoped she was able to be open to her friends new discovery, and that we all arrive at places at different times in our adult lives. This same friend had figured out other things that my sister had not and she was grateful every time she learned from her friend. My sister took her knowledge for granted in that instance though, so rather than add value for her friend, she questioned her own knowing.
- Recently I was pushing a friend to start a Vlog. Feeling like he was a poor writer, but having a lot to say, it seemed an optimal solution. Unfortunately he took his knowledge for granted. While he spent countless hours listening to other people's expertise, and so knew the value of a Vlog, he could not see himself in this role, rather only compare himself to those he perceived further along this path, and so a path not open to him. To this day I still overhear some of his conversations, and people are in awe of his knowledge and tell him so outright. Still, he holds himself back.
- I hate to sew, but I love to knit. So any time a pattern would require seaming at the end, I’d figure out a way to knit it in the round, just to avoid the seam (and because I think it looks better to be seamless!). But that is also because I do not seam well. I was in a knitting group once, and one of the fellows showed me his seams- completely invisible. And he didn't think it was a big deal to learn to do (another undervalue!). Yet, so insurmountable for me that I'd just knit it in the round. Unfortunately I didn't write those pattern alterations down (because it was so obvious to me at the time!), and guess what- yea I really don't remember. And you wont either! So write down your brilliance, keep adding to your value list, and get in touch with the fact that there are amazing things about YOU.