List what you love

This series is all about Building Your Ideal Position. Let's recap the last four weeks: Observe - we started out slow, observing interactions and feedback, focusing on when people are already telling you that you are valuable. Ask - then we stepped it up by actively soliciting feedback from people who know you well. Find your core values - an inward exercise to hone in on your values. Personality matters - expanding on your values, looking at your personality, and how it is described in different ways. Now what do you do with all of this?! Well, you turn it into what you have to offer a company, others, the world. Because as you have been learning- only you can be you, and there is value in that. You have spent time gathering data and learning about how to talk about your assets, values and preferences. Now we will begin to mirror that to what is being asked for. This week you will search in order to compile a list of points that most i...