Introducing new ways to work

This is a central space to discuss all the ways to work in this technologically advanced time, and in this globally-interconnected world. It is rarely relevant anymore (no, really) where or how people work. Work content (end product) matters more than the context (physical setting). Things that matter most in creating a workforce are: personality type, management style, ability to engage and interact virtually, and clear communication and goals.
People are so very diverse, yet the majority of the world population is constrained and constricted to a work setting and to work hours that do not allow them to be their most productive. A more flexible approach to work allows people to work where and when they are most productive.
More to come on the where’s, why’s, and how’s!


Anonymous said…
This topic really interests me. Going to a largely virtual MBA program has taught me a lot about working with people through virtual media and settings. The format has allowed me to travel more than I thought I would while in school. In many ways it is the ideal format for learning. . . and there is something to be said for that time commuting with other students to class or grabbing a drink after a class in person.

I find myself torn as to my ideal job setting in the future. I miss playing basketball at lunch with my old co-workers and having the chance to bond on various levels.
Chantel said…
Liz, thanks for your comment. Social connections ARE a very important part of anything: school, work, just life in general. The great thing about remote environments though is it offers more of a choice around when to work and when to socialize, and the distinction is really important.
I would offer you this post
I wrote on social connections, and would look forward to your further comments on the matter.

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