The Freelancers Union does great work bringing together those people who define
themselves as independent professionals by aiding this group in finding
solutions to things such as health care, retirement, wage security, and other
broken systems.[1]
They are addressing the current gap which has developed as more freelancers, contractors, consultants, etc. become an increasingly common alternative to traditional, full-time employment. This movement towards independent work is not
slowing down though, and there is a serious need for each individual to be supported
in their work, and ultimately supported to be who they are in the world.
There is a need to rethink how
work is done, to shift out of the box-- away from predefined job-titles, and
away from the concept that presence equals product. A solution is needed to
help incorporate all aspects of an individual so that people no longer need to
rewrite their resume for each new job or industry, and instead can let all of
their experience shine through. A solution is needed to support diversity and
show the value in multiple skill sets, even when they do not seem to
align in a traditional fashion. Fast Company magazine recently highlighted how restrictive it is for
companies to create single-sized, out-of-the-box definitions of work.
are set up to do one thing very well. That’s the business they’re in. All of
the roles in the company are defined and structured to create the best
environment for doing that one thing as efficiently as possible. The number of
people employed by the company fluctuates with the workload. More work, more
people. Too many people and too little work means layoffs or mismanagement.
Success is doing the same thing you’ve always done, just a little bit better,
achieving just a few more sales or shaving a hair off of costs. Change is
discouraged by time constraints and the stifling number of approvals needed.
Failure is punishable by pink slip. Every day is the same.” [2]
We need to realize that we cannot
define something that is not yet in existence. By trying to strictly define
industries and set roles within them, we are not allowing for crossover—the in between
space where innovation can be found and the next thing is waiting to be discovered.
We need to be comfortable with the unknown. By creating platforms which
will foster each individual’s best work, we will find the true source of
innovation and creativity.
So while the Freelancers Union is
working towards certain support systems, ultimately the very definition of work
needs to shift to allow for people to integrate more fully all aspects of life, so that the diversity of each individual is an asset used to support their unique skill combinations.