Money Matters When Defining Your Ideal Position

Did you get a good list going last week? You should be well on your way to finding clarity around what your next Ideal Position will be. You might also be thinking- this is all good, but what I really love is being able to cover the cost of living! 
As you start to refine your next Ideal Position, use sites like or Pay Scale to see the income range for positions you are targeting. You can also search Career One Stop, which gathers it's data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 
Discovering that your next Ideal Position does not offer a range you can live with in your area? Go back to that list you just built last week, take some keywords from your top five points of interest, and enter them back into a search engine to see what comes up. Often times the same bullet point from a job description is valued differently per industry, location and company. I have taken bullets from an Admin position (a role which itself varies widely in pay- from $30k to upwards of six figures), and found the same descriptors in a C Suite role.
So here again is another opportunity/friendly reminder- don't under value yourself. Focus on companies and positions that appeal to you AND can support you financially.

Photo by Fabian Blank on Unsplash


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